Metal Silicone Joint Clipper Black Head (12pcs/bag)

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Product details

Weight 0,11 kg
Dimensions 5 × 14 × 3 cm
Pieces per display

12 pieces


Urban Crew


Classic And Unique Clippers for Your Weed-Loving Customers

The silicone blackhead clipper is made of iron and sealed with silicone. Its black head makes the clipper stand out from common clippers and boosts your customers’ confidence. The joint clipper has two jaws with smooth teeth that ensure your customers rolling paper does not tear or wear. The clipper surface is coated with silicone to make it waterproof and protect it from getting tarnished and corroded on exposure to air. The smooth, round black head makes it easy to hold the clipper and adds a touch of boldness while using it. Furthermore, the white stripe on the blackhead is there to add some peace as your customers fill their rolling papers. With this accessory, there won’t be a dull or tense moment for your customer.

Simple To Use In A Wide Range Of Ways

The blackhead clipper is one of the easiest clippers to use. By pressing at the joint, the two jaws will open and once they engulf the rolling sheet, releasing your thumb automatically holds it in position. The wholesale Metal Silicone Joint Clipper Black Head is not only ideal for rolling, but also for trimming and scooping sticky particles of weed from the rolling tray. For those customers who prefer smoking from pipes, this accessory will come in handy as it can reach the base of their bong with ease.

  • Covering the open end of the smoking pipes to protect the stuff inside from contamination when not in use
  • Scooping out the sticky debris from the base of the rolling tray and bong when cleaning.
  • Removing the cap from beer bottles. The blackhead serves as the handle, and its shape makes it comfortable to use.
  • Keeping your customers’ beer bottles covered to avoid contamination

A bag of 12 pieces of blackhead metal joint clippers weighs 0.11kg and measures 5x14x3cm. The medium size and weight make the bag portable and convenient to move around with. You can buy this bag for only 12 euros, which will give you maximum profit. Every customer loves long-lasting accessories, and that’s why these clippers will fly off your shelf in a minute.

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