Why You Should Start A CBD Business Today
Currently we are accelerating into a time of digitalisation for the retail industry, while at the same time as a global community, we’re heading toward a more sustainable future.
Statistics show exponential growth within the CBD industry, while regulation by intergovernmental organisations like the EU and FSA show that the CBD industry is here to stay.
Here we aim to show you the benefits the CBD industry has to offer you and why starting your own CBD business is a great idea that can lead to personal and professional success. Let us help get your CBD business up and running today with our huge range of CBD products. It’s so easy to register with us and talk to our experts.
Why join the CBD industry?
- CBD products are in high demand
- Online marketability of CBD
- B2B wholesalers can set you up
- The CBD industry forecast
- White label products
- There is room for diversification
- The CBD industry growth shows positive change
The CBD industry shows great potential for profitability and growth for any start up business due to the industry being in its infancy. Starting a business within the CBD and cannabis product industry at this point in time allows you to get your foot in the door so that you can grow alongside the industry while it is booming.
CBD products are in high demand
A report by Grand View Research states: “The global cannabidiol market was valued at USD 4.6 billion in 2018 and is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 22.2% from 2019 to 2025.”
What we can clearly see is that the industry is growing and reasons for CBD use extend across all walks of life and age groups.
It is worth noting, as research reveals positive health benefits and medical applications, more people are turning to CBD as a healthy natural supplement and as an alternative to harmful OTC medicines and drugs like opioids that have abuse potential. Ongoing research into CBD and an increase in public awareness surrounding cannabis and CBD can only benefit this already booming sector.
Some key points to note about the ease of getting started with your own CBD business:
Online marketability of CBD
Statistics show that an estimated 1.92 billion people purchased goods and services online in 2019. E-retail sales in 2019 surpassed 3.5 trillion dollars worldwide and its growth rate is calculated to continue further into the future.
CBD products are in increasing demand, with a high presence of online shoppers we can expect the CBD industry to continue following sales and e-commerce growth predictions.
B2B wholesalers can set you up
As leaders in the CBD industry, Simply Green have a wealth of knowledge and have grown to be one of the largest B2B cannabis related distribution companies in the world. Simply Green can help you to get started! Our experts will aid you in planning your inventory and getting your first order together as well as keep you up to date with the latest products and wholesale offers on products like CBD oil and CBD skincare.
The CBD industry forecast
Statistics here and here show the global CBD market in 2018 reached $4.6 billion, by 2019 it increased to a whopping $7.1 billion and the compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 22.2% is forecast to continue from 2019 to 2025.
Sign in or request an account to find out how we can help you set up your own CBD business.
White label products
White label products are products that are available to you from reputable wholesalers like Simply Green. ‘Rebrand as your own’ these tried and tested CBD products that are made by reputable manufacturers. This offers you the chance to put your company or product label on an already well established CBD product to optimise profitability and reputation.
There is room for diversification
CBD is a growing industry and you have the opportunity to grow alongside it. Each day new product lines are being invented and they come in all shapes and sizes. You can create new original product lines with relatively little equipment and provide a unique CBD service to suit your target audience.
CBD products prove an invaluable resource for any start up business by offering marketability, profitability and an ever growing customer base.
The CBD industry growth shows positive change
Greener, more sustainable ideologies are becoming the norm and people are starting to take more of a natural approach to wellness, health, recovery and relaxation. CBD is not only the perfect aid to achieve all of these but it is much more. CBD shows huge potential for the treatment of mental health conditions as well as sports recovery, dermatological treatments and cosmetic uses just to name a few.
Although there has been a stigma attached to cannabis and cannabis related products in the past, we can see that with mass legalisation for both medicinal and recreational use in places like the US, Canada and South Africa, that the attitudes toward cannabis have evolved into something much more positive. This trend is looking like it will continue slowly on a global scale.
Research CBD regulations and the law
When looking into how to start a CBD business you need to spend considerable time researching the different regulations and legalities on a country by country basis, depending on where you plan to trade. Laws differ between countries and this will impact the products you stock and how you market them.
As the CBD market is closely linked to cannabis and is still an emerging industry, the regulations are frequently being reviewed and changed so it is essential that you stay up-to-date with the latest developments to ensure you’re operating under the law. Again, distributors like Simply Green can help you but it’s important for the success of your business that you make it a priority focus.
For example, in the Netherlands CBD comes under the Opium Act as it derives from hemp, meaning it’s illegal to produce in the country, but it can be processed abroad, then sold and consumed for personal use as long as the THC content is less than 0.05%. It’s an important distinction to be aware of and in the future, legislation may be updated, so if you operate in the Netherlands you will need to continue to research and understand any changes to the law.
Who else is getting involved?
As well as small business entrepreneurs starting their journey into the CBD industry many big names such as Pfizer, GW Pharmaceuticals and Novartis are establishing themselves in biopharmacy.
Pharmaceutical companies are jumping on the medical marijuana and CBD bandwagon, which goes to show that now is high time for small investors to get their piece of the pie before it all gets scooped up by the big honcho’s.
The cannabis and hemp farming industry is sustainable and almost every part of the plant can be used to produce all manner of products, such as:
- Fabric, cloth and rope
- Medicine and supplements
- Detergents and soap
- Building materials
- Balms and lotions
- CBD products
- Wellness and self care products
- Marijuana or ‘weed’ for medicinal and recreational purposes
Due to the diverse nature of cannabis and CBD based products and its increasing popularity there is a huge gap in the market for new businesses to capitalise in an industry that is gaining heavy traction, worldwide recognition and popularity.
Creative new ideas including unique product lines and advancements in methods of customer engagement via social media and other platforms provides a simple gateway for any new business venture into the world of CBD.
Get started today
Want to get into the CBD market? At Simply Green we can help with inventory planning, ongoing customer support and access to a complete range of CBD and cannabis products for your store, and already work with a wide range of successful CBD companies. These are just a few of the benefits we offer that make us stand out as a top B2B distributor.
Contact us and we can help you start a CBD business and you’ll benefit from incredible wholesale prices on a huge range of premium CBD products.