Mush Magic Atlantis Magic Truffles 15g

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Product details

Weight 0,05 kg
Dimensions 10 × 5 × 3 cm

Mush Magic

Content (g)



The Basics

Our wholesale Mush Magic Atlantis Magic Truffles 15g presents with very intense effects for users. We rate this product a 4 out of 5. Its hallucinogenic effects can be compared to those of Psilocybe Fantasia but are higher than Psilocybe Tampanensis and Psilocybe Mexicana. The only magic truffles that are stronger than Psilocybe Atlantis are Psilocybe pandora, Psilocybe Hollandia, and Psilocybe utopia.

Here’s a little back story about magic truffles, they are essentially sclerotia. Sclerotia is a type of fungus that grows below the ground in between the mycelium. The active substance in them is known as Psilocybin. The strain in this particular magic truffle is called Psilocybe Atlantis.

More On This Outstanding Product

Mush Magic’s Atlantis Magic Truffles get to you as the retailer, in a vacuum-sealed pack that weighs 0.05 kilograms. The weight of the truffles inside is 15 grams. The size of the pack is 10 cm by 5 cm by 3 cm.

Your customers will appreciate you for stocking this product that has some interesting effects like making one burst with creativity and seeing the real world differently. Consumers can experience a light trip with just 3 to 5 grams of the product and a full trip with the whole 15 grams pack. The effects become evident in about 15 minutes and can last for up to 6 hours.
The effects of this product vary from one individual to the next. Advise your customers to consume this product in a safe and quiet place.

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