A Vital Vaporizer for Vapers
With the Wholesale XMax Vital Herb Vaporizer by XVAPE, your customers can fully maximize the herbs.
With its ceramic heating chamber, it evenly heats the herbs to give your customers only the best tasting vapor. The XMAX Vital has a large food-grade ceramic chamber holding about 1/3 gram of dried herbs.It is composed of high-quality materials and provides exceptional performance and airflow, outperforming its competitors in the same price range.Its fashionable design is powered by a strong 2600mAh battery that heats up in just 15 seconds. The XMAX Vital’s remarkable 2500mAh built-in battery provides about 1 hour 30 minutes of vaping time on a full charge and can be recharged with the provided micro USB cable. To turn on the gadget, press the power button three times in a row. The full digital control OLED panel provides a temperature range of 100°C-240°C (212°F-464°F) allowing you to tailor each vape session to your unique preferences.So, if your clients prefer airy vapor or thick, dense milky clouds, the XMax Vital vaporizer has them all covered. When you turn on the device, the temperature memory automatically returns it to the last temperature used. It also has an automatic shut-off feature that can be adjusted to five or 10 minutes.Our Wholesale X-Vape X-Max Vital Vaporizer Black is the ideal vaporizer for individuals looking for a great handheld vaporizer for their herbs on a budget.Key Features WARNINGIMPORTANT: BATTERY SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS Failure to follow these instructions may result in severe or permanent damage to the battery, cause serious personal injury, or lead to a fire. Misuse, abuse, incorrect charging, failure to comply with the above warnings and guidelines, and other inappropriate use of this product are not covered under warranty. Please comply with local recycling regulations for battery disposal.Offer Your Customers The Perfect Vaporizer
Content Of Wholesale X-Vape X-Max Vital Vaporizer Black